

Aktuelles – Analysen – Austausch zu Software und Services für die persönliche Literatur- und Wissensorganisation

Kurz und knackig: Sechs „unglaubliche“ Tipps zur Auswahl der richtigen Literaturverwaltungssoftware…

… hat der Autor namens James vom – nicht mit Werbung sparenden – Weblog „“ parat:

1. Ask people in your Institute for what they use. If everyone in your department use one reference Manager, you need a very good reason to choose another so if you want to act quickly, is likely to flow, simply go better.

2. look at the screen shots on the website of the individual reference Manager. Don’t like what you see? Bin it and use something else. If there are no screen shots or video tour, this is also a bad sign and can show things are getting dated!

3. Enter the name of the reference Manager in You Tube. If there are pages of how-to videos, this is a good sign, if not, bin it.

4. use of the Google-enter the name of your software for reference, followed by review or Forum and check out the results.

5. This is compatible with your operating system? This can be a huge help, as not all managers of the reference are compatible with all operating systems, so that this can reduce the field pretty quickly.

6. Twitter-site has a Twitter page? If you try and start a conversation. Active on twitter is often a sign that they are open and responsive to users.

Insgesamt eine kleine nützliche Aufstellung, die ganz gute Anküpfungspunkte bietet. Je nach Gusto sind weitere Tipps natürlich hinzufügbar (her damit in den Kommentaren!). Einer der – in meinen Augen – wichtigsten Auswahlkriterien fehlt hier doch und sollte unbedingt berücksichtigt werden: Der eigene funktionale Anspruch an das potentiell zu benutzende Programm…

Matti Stöhr

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